
Goku in normal clothes
Goku in normal clothes

goku in normal clothes goku in normal clothes

Extrasensory Perception (Cannot be sensed by beings lesser than a God as a Super Saiyan God and Blue), Paralysis Inducement, Harsh Temperatures, Heat Manipulation (Unaffected by a pool that was described by the Snake princess to be able to boil men alive, as well as lava), Acids ( Wasn't harmed much by Buu's enzymes, though it did hurt him), Sleep Manipulation (resisted sleep inducing foods back in Z), Extreme Heat, Extreme Cold, Cosmic Radiations, Void Manipulation and Existence Erasure ( Withstood the Destruction Energy Ball of a God of Destruction in Super, which could erase anything, even souls from existence, and warped the World of Void), Empathic Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Possession, Madness Manipulation (Type 2), Corruption, Mind Manipulation ( Beings with God Ki resist the effects of Dark Demon Magic), Unholy Manipulation, Magic, Time Manipulation ( This version of Goku should be far more powerful than lesser Demon Gods, who were unaffected by Chronoa's time-based abilities), Power Nullification and Memory Manipulation ( Beings with divinity cannot be affected by Android 21's waves, which can nullify powers.

Goku in normal clothes