Instead, show her mercy and she will reward you with a Charm Voidwoken skillbook and run off. When you have the opportunity to, do NOT kill her. Persuade her guards to let you deal with the situation and then use the device to lower the barrier and talk with her. Hit the lever to go into the next room to find Windego chained up in a source cage. In the northwest corner up some stairs is a lever you can pull to drop a ladder. After the fight go around and read every report, book, journal and briefing you can because there is a plethora of information in this room, with exp and quests to start. Enter the room in the south with the huge gold pile and go down the hatch to find a fight with 3 gheists. In the room below, there are hidden buttons behind paintings so you will need to remove the paintings, then press the buttons in the following order: Go South and follow it West into the last room there - move the crates in the southwest corner to find a hatch that is locked. Keep heading East and go into the Barracks. Next, you want to head East to find the Barracks and to persuade Lord Kemm not to kill the Paladin. Take note that if you cast spirit vision here you'll find a lot of spirits you can talk to to gain information about what's going on. You might want to teleport one up to try and save them for a reward, and then just kill them for exp.Īfter all of your looting keep heading North and you'll come into the city of Arx and find the Arx City Square waypoint (x:281 y:266). Climb up the ladder and head North to have the high ground in a fight against some voidwoken, but make sure not damage any of the Paladins if you can or they get hostile to you.

Head back Northeast and then North across the bridge, but at the gate head West and kill the magister on the ground. Keep heading all the way to the West, then south and you will come across some ruins (x:248 y:72) that have some enemies to fight in. Head out West from the harbor on the middle path and you will come across Tine (x:359 y:122) who you can talk to about the wedding coming up, then kill her for more exp. Talk to the shiphead to learn some information about Dallis and her crew. After, go East on the North path onto the boat and loot some bodies to find a chest that will have a letter telling you where Dallis is. Proceed into the Harbor to have the Kraken attack and you'll have to fend it off either by killing all of the tentacles or damaging the head enough. If you are Lohse, speak to him, find the Arx Outskirts waypoint (x:356 y:52) and then head out the North path on the East side to find the Harbor. Follow the linear path out of the crash - making sure to speak to Tarquin about Anathema - until you come to a pilgrim camp with Jahan in it.